We recommend Online at Work.Com for the fifty million or so Americans who are on the Internet on a daily basis at work. This is a website that will give you where to go online while you are at work!
Invite this guy to your upcoming Youth Day Services. This young preacher is about 20 years old. He teaches us how to do the Baptist Whoop from his bathroom! He called it Whooponics! He took a couple lessons from his Pastor, Dr. Frank E. Ray, Sr. of Memphis,Tennessee. We have also included the second clip which is a clip of Pastor Frank E. Ray.
Lebron James has proved that he is more than just hype! He took over a game recently in the playoff series with the Pistons that will be talked about for years!
I am the Editor of thememphis411.blogspot.com,www.bloggingblack.com, US Black.Com-www.usblack.com, and Memphis Minority Online.Com/Mid South Black.Com-www.midsouthblack.com, Take Me Black.Com-www.takemeblack.com, and this website-Say It Black.Com-www.sayitblack.com